Leaving violence. Living safe

The video has been conceived as a tool to be used in meetings with asylum seeking and refugee women and girls to introduce them to D.i.Re centers and D.i.Re’s methodology to support SGBV survivors and to stimulate the disclosure and sharing of experiences by participants. No words are used in the video, messages are conveyed only through the animated images to facilitate direct understanding by all women, no matter their mother thong. Concept and production by Cristina Chiappini.

Leaving violence. Living safe – 3 videos

Trust – The cultural mediator

This is the first of 3 videos produced by the project Leaving violence. Living safe in 2020 to narrate the reception of migrant asylum seeking and refugee women in the anti-violence centres of the D.i.Re. network. The work of the cultural mediators is essential to build the relationship of trust necessary to define, with the operator and the woman welcomed, a path out of violence tailored to her needs and desires and focused to future autonomy and independence. The video is narrated by Mimoza Shembitraku, an operator and cultural mediator at the Viveredonna, anti-violence centre in Carpi, in the province of Modena. The animation was produced by IacaStudio with the support of Hero Comunication.

Truth – The operator of the anti-violence centre

This is the second of the 3 videos produced by the Leaving violence. Living safe project in 2020, and focuses on the work of the operators (case workers) of D.i.Re anti-violence centers in supporting migrant asylum seeking and refugee women. The operators – as Francesca Ranaldi, coordinator of the La Nara, anti-violence centre in Prato, tells us – together with the cultural mediators create a non-judgmental listening space that gives migrant asylum seeking and refugee women the opportunity to share their experience, process it and find all the resources – both internal and local – necessary to start their lives independently in our country. The animation was produced by IacaStudio with the support of Hero Comunication.

Needs – The asylum seeking and refugee woman

The third of the 3 videos produced by the Leaving violence. Living safe project in 2020 captures the perspective of migrant asylum seeking and refugee women while supported by the anti-violence centres of the D.i.Re. network, through the thoughts of Mariem Al Ghezawi, a refugee woman originally from Lybia supported by the Casa delle donne Lucha y Siesta in Rome, where she has now started working as a cultural mediator. From the first moment when a migrant asylum seeking woman arrives, disoriented, to the moment when, thanks to the support of operators and cultural mediators, her new life – beyond the experience of violence – takes shape.